RaceFace倒閉了 - 單車

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-08-09T14:34

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Race Face – The End of An Era

Effective March 12 2011, an end of an era occurred as Race Face
Components Inc. went into receivership. Effectively this means that
Race Face’s bank, The Bank of Nova Scotia, has taken control of the
company, appointed a receiver, and will sell the company and its
assets. The receiver, Grant Thornton, will determine a sales process
for the company in the days to come. The reasons for the receivership
are complex but basically the company recently got offside on its
borrowing base with the bank. The partners in the company tried to
structure a deal with the bank to get the company back on side but
unfortunately, a deal could not reached. In this event, it was hoped
that the company could be sold as a ‘going concern’ but this
solution also did not materialize.

Craig Pollack, Race Face’s former President and CEO, comments, “it
is a sad sad outcome for the brand, but more importantly for the
people involved with the company. I personally thank all of our
staff, riders, suppliers, customers, and consumers for their support
over the years. Our talented staff truly were the backbone of this
brand. I have been humbled by their loyalty and determination
throughout this process and wish them well moving forward.

Pollack adds, “Race Face, started in 1992, is an iconic brand and has
been instrumental in creating the fiber of the mountain bike
industry. We are proud of our accomplishments over the last 19 years.
Hi-lights include: helping to create the free ride mountain biking
movement with our line of Diabolus components, being one of the first
component suppliers to design parts for the All Mountain market, and
currently producing the Next line of carbon fiber cranks – the
lightest production crank-sets ever produced. The company will
undoubtedly be sold to a new buyer, and the brand, as we know it
today, will forever be changed but we are proud of the Race Face
legacy and the impact it made on the mountain biking industry and

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Tags: 單車

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-08-14T13:26
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-08-19T00:41


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-08-09T11:07
我姐抽中一台變速越野腳踏車 我試騎之後 發現它有時等紅燈要騎 或騎到 一半會踩空 鍊條沒有脫落 是我動到他的變速嗎 變速是要騎時一段一段變上去才不會壞掉嗎 我從最低變到最高這樣踩會弄壞嗎 還是他沒有組裝好? 他不定時會發生 要怎麼測試他的 原因在那 騎到一半途然騎不動好危險 -- 十點半一到 肚子就餓了 ...

自由鳶單車生活館 週三夜騎活動

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-08-09T02:03
時間:8月10號 晚上7點集合7點半出發 遲到請自行ITT追擊 地點: 高雄市 車種: 不拘 所需配備: 前後燈 手套安全帽更佳 騎乘強度: 輕鬆騎(時速不超過20的唷) 集合地點: 高雄市九如一路849號(自由鳶單車生活館)車店集合 路線: 車店集合 走九如路至中華路右轉 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-08-09T01:46
最近友人 因為工作事由前往中國.上海 ~ 因為跟朋友也是騎行認識 所以順道提及單車品牌 他給我回應 那邊單車國產真的是很便宜 可是高價入門卻也很高 舉例很多間 ~ 永久 鳳凰 炎山 奧迪斯 ... balala ~ 聽了是還蠻心動 不過Google很久 還是找尋不到一些中國自有品牌單車的分享 ...

台中 joexx12

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-08-09T00:11
ID名: joexx12 (用了10多年的joexx這麼奇怪的帳號在ptt竟然先被註冊了orz,只好加個數字) 真實姓名:不重要就跳過 小名or綽號:JoeXX (囧andgt;) 學會騎單車的年紀:上幼稚園前,某個不知名的下午,我沒發現剩下一邊輔助輪 被鄰 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-08-08T19:59
剛決定要買小折沒幾天,很快就買了...功課做沒有太久,因為在韓國,台灣推薦的車款也不 曉得是不是好找,剛好有這裡的朋友剛買自行車的車行離住的地方不遠,就直接到店裡看了 車,然後挑了台最喜歡的就買了,品牌是Appalanchia,MARK跟車子感覺質桿挺不賴, 今天騎了很久,感覺還算滿意!... 花了韓圜$28 ...