2009 HONDA CBF125 - 機車

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-10-09T16:40

Table of Contents


The CBF125 is the latest addition to the Honda Motorcycle family and combines

the best features of Honda’s 125cc and naked models from over 60 years,

to provide the ultimate in small motorcycle style and performance.

At its heart is an air-cooled, fuel-injected, five-speed engine that delivers

strong power and torque despite its small capacity.

Meanwhile the chassis is capable of easy manoeuvring courtesy of its light

and responsive handling allied to a powerful single disc brake at the front.

Comfortable and practical, the CBF125 is at ease with solo or two-up riding

due to its compliant suspension front and rear.

The bodywork design continues the theme of the small bike with a big

personality, with attractive half-faired styling, complete with an effective

tinted screen. Two-up the CBF125 is as accomplished as larger machines courtesy

of its generous rear seat, comfortable pillion peg arrangement and grab-rail.

Meanwhile for the rider, there’s a convenient electric starter,

while the control panel is simple and easy to read and features a large

speedometer, indicator lights and a fuel gauge.


可是轉速錶被省略了捏 囧>

Fuel efficiency and convenience are cornerstones of Honda’s small capacity

machines and the CBF125 is no exception. With both time and fuel costs at a

premium, the fuel-injected CBF125 delivers over 370 miles (600km) from one

13-litre tank*, with emissions well below EURO-3 standards – good for your

pocket and the environment.

From first-timer to old-timer on two-wheels, the all-new CBF125 provides

convenience and freedom for urban travel and is a fitting replacement for the

much-loved CG125, which debuted over 30 years ago in 1976.

The CBF125’s DNA combines everything that Honda’s founder, Soichiro Honda,

instilled into his first motorcycles – affordable, reliable, safe,

good quality and a joy to own and use. The CBF125 - Cheap to keep.

Built to last. Fun to run!



◢███◣ 幹你媽的! ◢██ ◢█ █◣ 一休,現在有20萬, ◢██◣
▃ ▃ 我會炸了其他人 ▃ ▃█ █ ∥∥ 有你和其他3個人, ████
⊙ ⊙ 自己獨占!! ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ 每人可以分到幾萬? ████
── □︵□
一休好棒! ◣ ◢ 一休好棒!
╲╲ ╲ ◣ ◢ ψdiabloq13 █ █◣

Tags: 機車

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-10-09T21:27
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2008-10-10T03:33
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-10-10T09:47
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-10-15T08:35
那個後照鏡 .. ? 怎麼搞的
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-10-17T14:56
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-10-19T10:35
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-10-22T04:53


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-10-08T01:16
小弟自從退伍之後就一值想買雙cp值高的通勤用手套 可惜試來試去都沒一雙合手的 最近湊巧在某店看到PRO-BIKER的手套 想到版上似乎有人提過這個牌子(好像就是傳說中的老貓牌) 試了一試就不小心放進口袋帶回家了XD 以下是小弟的不專業心得 手套全貌 http://ww ...

三峽 凱全機車行

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-10-07T20:52
《店家名稱》凱全機車行 《店家種類》一般維修 《店家地址》台北縣三峽鎮復興路145號 《店家電話》(02)2672-5350 《營業時間》不清楚,有次星期天去沒開門 《關於老闆》周士凱 看起來30歲左右,認真、老實、有耐心 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-10-07T15:11
《店家名稱》 宏晟機車行(是機車行還是工作室= =??) 《店家種類》 維修 改裝 聊天 《店家地址》 高雄市英德街100號 《店家電話》 07-7250071 《營業時間》 中午1點過後(原則上這時間不是一定) 《關於老闆》 明仔 第一眼看到 心想....您 是流氓 ...

機車加裝12V 點煙座,緊急用電沒煩惱~

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-10-06T22:43
弄車這檔事真的是一弄就上癮阿... 今天去電子材料行逛逛, 找了所需的材料... 實際用到的成本, 總共只花了不到 80 元吧...XXD 點煙座花了 33元 插片保險絲座 35元 保險絲一包 21元 堪稱是一路弄車過來, 最便宜...爽度最高的改裝! 分享一下改裝過程 ^_^ ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-10-06T20:33
有鑒於FT大燈先天體質不良 而且有兩顆大燈 改裝價錢是別人的兩倍 不過FT先天體質不良的特性 反而很適合直上HID 我換了黃金燈泡 雖然沒加魚眼 不過實際測試 朋友從對向騎過來 並不會刺眼 所以強烈建議 不要再迷信上HID不裝魚眼 是很沒公德心的行為 主要還是要看車種!!!! -- 【 ...