11萬美元沒有車殼的宗啊XD - ADV

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-10-16T07:54

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Here comes an astonishing and sexy design that blends extreme power with
crispy simplicity. This advancement has derived from machine which has been
engineered and invented for best possible performance. This bike is no less
than a dream comes true for anyone having interest in sci-fi and fighter
motorcycles. This is the limited edition Fighter Motorcycle with 190 mph of
performance. Bike is made up of materials like carbon fiber, titanium and
aluminum chassis. While riding this bike, you will have to literally lean
forwards. You will surely enjoy your 64〃 wheelbase, 27〃H seat and
integrated braking system ride with many more interesting features. Prepare
for $110,000.00 to ride this futuristic motorcycle.


Tags: ADV

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-10-16T22:18
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-10-21T19:30
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-10-24T11:35
為何這讓我覺得是積架那台山獅車把外殼扒掉而已 XDDDD
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-10-28T02:05
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-10-31T01:59
這台要11萬美元!? 我現在看這種車在街上滿街跑阿
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-11-01T07:05
樓上請爆地點 太神奇了
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-11-03T11:32
跟我一樣的安全帽耶 ! 布萊德彼特也買這一台 不過不同款

日本關西租車體驗10/22 OR 23

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-09-29T22:50
大家好 潛水很久 第一次PO揪團就是去日本 相信大家也知道台日駕照已經相互承認 去日本騎車或許不是夢 網路上也只有版友replay0105 和徐子涵先生的分享 湯、櫻、鐵馬 - 日本紀伊半島走破 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=743 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-04-19T16:34
※ [本文轉錄自 Moto_GP 看板] 作者: Ecclestone (Freude am Fahren) 看板: Moto_GP 標題: [情報] BMW發表參加WSBK的賽車 時間: Sat Apr 19 16:33:04 2008 正確說 應該還事 概念車階段.. http://chinese.a ...

BMW重機車大降價 從7萬至10萬元不等

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-09-25T09:44
http://0rz.tw/7b34b 2007.09.25  中國時報 BMW重機車大降價 從7萬至10萬元不等 陳信升/台北報導  BMW Motorrad全車系展開正O7年多種車款的優購活動,車價調降從7萬至10萬元不 等,降幅約在一成左右。百萬以上的重車,甚至都有10萬元的調降幅度。暢 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-01-11T22:58
各位前輩您好想請問 1.要買BMW的重機得到BMW汽車展示訂購嗎? 跟一般車行(國X)比起來有比較便宜或有什麼優惠(可與銀行貸款)之類的嗎? 2.蠻中意R1200 GS Adventure請問這台車有什麼大的毛病嗎? 3.請問BMW重機有其專屬的論壇討論嗎? 以上問題謝謝各為前輩不吝指教3Q - ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2003-09-12T00:04
大家好阿 我是女生 覺得重機很有趣 不過都是跟舅舅的車隊出去玩 搜尋了一下之前的文章 好像有板友看到BMW的車隊 呼呼 可能那次我也在裡面喔 :p 第一次看到這個板覺得很親切 雖然我對一些細節.機種不是很懂 不過有一群重機愛好者還是很高興阿 :) 嚴格說來我只坐過 K1200LT 和 R1150GS ...